As our various working groups progress they produce publications, sharable thought pieces and articles for wider consideration and discussion with the industry.
You will find those publications appearing on this page!
WG8: A (very) preliminary description of the Remote Energy Measurement (REM) platform and call to action.
Here is the table of contents of this WG8 document describing one of our core projects to create a real-time energy measurement platform for streaming:
Project Overview
Key Features and Current Capabilities
Progress and Scalability Goals
Vision for Extending Collaboration
ISPs and Network Providers
CDN Operators
Sample Use Cases and Benefits
Licensing and Partnership Opportunities
No Greenwashing
Call to Action
Annexes: Device Support List and Authors
January 2025
WG1: Attributional and Consequential Life Cycle Assesment for Streaming
This WG1 paper examines the critical distinction between Attributional (ALCA) and Consequential (CLCA) Life Cycle Assessment approaches in the context of streaming media sustainability.
While both approaches aim to assess environmental impact, they serve fundamentally different purposes and can lead to dramatically different conclusions. ALCA provides a static snapshot of how environmental impacts are distributed among current activities, while CLCA examines how systems respond to changes.
We demonstrate why this distinction matters for streaming media sustainability through industry examples, mathematical models, and practical case studies. We explore how conflating these approaches can lead to misleading conclusions and ineffective actions, particularly in complex systems like content delivery networks and telecommunications infrastructure.
Our analysis reveals that while ALCA remains useful for regulatory compliance and reporting, CLCA becomes essential for driving meaningful environmental improvements in streaming media systems. This understanding is crucial for network engineers, system architects, and sustainability teams working to reduce the environmental impact of streaming services.
The paper concludes with practical recommendations for moving the industry toward more effective environmental assessment and improvement strategies.
Keywords: Sustainability, Streaming Media, Life Cycle Assessment, Environmental Impact, Network Infrastructure, Content Delivery Networks
November 2024
WG8: REM Hackathon 1& 2 (Jan / Feb 2024) Review
This paper is a review of WG8's initial tests of our new measurement platform. We are very excited to release this paper, since it is the first time we have attempted some 'engineering for sustainability' ourselves.
The overall aim of WG8 is to develop an energy measurement model that correlates streaming and energy consumption in a repeatable, scalable and near real-time process. This has been done in many labs settings around the world, we believe this is a pioneering (if not 'world-first') attempt to ambitiously build a platform for measuring Consumer Premises Equipment energy in real-world settings including the 'home'.
The paper outlines a record and review of our very first hackathons where WG8 members started to bring the system live, and coordinate some very initial tests of the working processes.
Note: Do not expect data sets and analysis at this stage! We are developing the platform, and building out a clear, and transparent picture of the model, precisely to hear from the industry any feedback they may have as we go. The aim is to develop a model that will in turn produce data that is a usable and agreeable reference for the industry. Our model is designed to produce non-vendor specific frame showing how the variation in core, common architectural processes in software, hardware and network architecture interplay with energy supply.
Further hackathons and review papers will be published in due course as we build out the complete model to help us test not only CPE energy consumption but by collaboration across other working groups - particularly WG6 and WG4 - we will now be building out a complete energy consumption picture of live streaming workflows. Expect these further papers to appear relatively regularly through the rest of 2024.
February 2024
WG1.Lexicon: Power off, Sleep and Standby
The second output from WG1 focusses on the terms "Power off, Sleep and Standby' - again these are terms we all use. They relate directly to energy consumption in our minds and so relate to sustainability too. However the use of these terms varies immensely through the supply chain. In this paper we talk about responses from a survey of engineers we carried out. We covered discussions about other groups and SDOs use of these terms and at the end of the paper explore harmonisation with some of these.
January 2024
WG1.Lexicon: WATTS
The first output from WG1 was created in response to a request from the Streaming Video Technology Alliance to help them develop their own 'glossary of terms' to include issues relating to streaming. Focussing on the term "WATTS" this short paper will open thinking into what is seemingly a mundane terms in common use, but when looked at in detail in different contexts - even in our own sector - the term has a wide range of interpretations.
July 2023