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Member Collaboration: Broadpeak & DAZN

On Sept 7th 2022, Xavier Leclercq (Broadpeak) and Robin Oakley (DAZN) spoke about their collaborations to reduce their energy consumption at the's Sustainability in Streaming and Digital Media Delivery: Greening of Streaming's 2nd Annual Summit.

Robin set the scene outlining scale: "We streamed 27,000 live events and a billion hours of content last year"

Xavier noted: "Broadpeak works with telecoms operators and content providers. Some of their technology was used to enable DAZN's streaming at scale. They used multicast ABR in the Telecom Italia infrastructure in Italy."

Collectively they expect that their approach will provide as much as an 80 energy reduction by 2026.

Robin commented that sustainability was very close to his heart, and collaborating with partners, and contributing to the Greening of Streaming forum ensured they remained mindful of energy efficiency while maintaining performance and consumer experience.

Greening of Streaming is a not for profit members group representing technology vendors and service operators from across the streaming, broadcasting and telecoms industry.

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