Sassan Pejhan of ATEME and Aaron Behman of AMD spoke about collaboration to reduce their energy footprint at the's Sustainability in Streaming and Digital Media Delivery: Greening of Streaming 2nd Annual Summit on September 7th 2022
Aaron noted:
"AMD and ATEME partnered on transcoding, reducing costs and improving energy demand by as much has 50%, eeking out a material amount of additional channels in a 1ru server."
Sassan went on to outline the range of AMD technologies that they used and how their collaboration was deep. They worked closely together on the instruction set to optimise for their video streaming challenges.
"In an environment where volumes of content was increasing, and every pixel has more bit-depth energy efficiency matters."
Together they had achieved some considerable energy savings; a two third reduction over 3 years, while improving viewers' experience.

Greening of Streaming is a not for profit members group representing technology vendors and service operators from across the streaming, broadcasting and telecoms industry.

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