"..by course estimate, streaming may drive a demand for as much as 3-5% of global final electricity supply. We want to find out what that number really is, and focus on what we, the engineers of those systems, can do to reduce that demand".
Dom Robinson: Founder of www.greeningofstreaming.org
This year Greening of Streaming has been inviting the industry to submit ideas and intuitive 'best guesses' for engineering strategies that might bring about immediate and practicable energy reductions in streaming media architectures.
This effort is known as the Low Energy Sustainable Streaming (LESS) Accord. (www.greeningofstreaming.org/less)
At the end of May 2023 members will gather a shortlist of the most testable of these ideas with a view to developing real-world production models to verify if the intuitions are viable and effective in practice.

In this, our June event, we will bring members and contributors to the LESS Accord together with public policy, regulatory industry experts, for an open day of workshops to form initial designs for the real-world tests, using the Greening of Streaming members as the resource for those test-beds.
By opening these technical discussion to policy makers and regulators we seek to foster better understanding and relations with the engineering community, with the aim to collaborate to develop practicable and effective energy efficiency and sustainability strategies across the streaming sector.
June 21st : 09h- 18h CET
09:10 Chairmans Opening
Dom Robinson, Founder of Greening of Streaming welcomes delegates and outlines the day.
Sandrine Elmi Hersi, Co-Chair SUS, BEREC, sets the scene for the day with an introduction to the European Regulatory landscape and outlines BEREC's oversight and activities as sustainability becomes a key issue for regulators and policy makers across the EU.
09:50 - KEYNOTE Rudolf van de Berg is Partner at Stratix Consulting. He is a strong voice in the Eu ISP telecoms and peering sector, with many years of experience and an incredible eye for technical detail. Greening of Streaming has been very interested in some clear arguments that Rudolf has presented to us that changed our views on how energy and traffic are related. Since this will be a key area of discussion through the day, we wanted to ask Rudolf to share some of his insights to get those disruptive thoughts flowing!
10:10 - Break For Coffee
10:30 - 12:30 - LESS ACCORD BRAINSTORMS 1 & 2
Following that, in something of a 'hackathon' format, delegates will all be invited to partake in an interactive series of led brainstorms attempting to frame out how to test the best of the LESS Accord proposals
12:20 - 13.30 - Break For Lunch
13:30 - 15:30 - LESS ACCORD BRAINSTORMS 3 & 4 15:30 - Break For Coffee
16:30 - 17:30 - SUMMARY SESSION Secretariat Volunteers will be invited to take leadership over the Testing Development Projects, and they in turn will ensure they are connected to the contributing members for each of the tests, and initial meeting dates will be agreed.
Dom Robinson and Barbara Lange will then conclude the day.
17:30 - 18:30 - Apertif and Networking
The real-world event is free to attend and includes vegetarian lunch and aperitif / canapés. Space is limited. Please register SOON!
The event is partnered with the Media Tech Sustainability Summit which comes online with a full day of programming on June 20th for a full day of programming, including many Greening of Streaming members, and their event joins ours on June 21st bringing online access to our event. Register with them to get access throughout online.
For any other information do please reach out to info@greeningofstreaming.org