Nov 14, 2022Annual SummitIndustry Standards, Best Practice and Collaboration for a more energy efficient Streaming Sector.
Oct 20, 2022Annual SummitThe Public Perceptions of Streaming, Internet Connectivity and the Relation to Energy
Oct 17, 2022Annual SummitQuortex (Now Synamedia) asks: "Streaming energy consumption - is there a problem at all?"
Oct 13, 2022Annual SummitGoS: Working Group 4 talk about progress on their live event energy measurement project.
Oct 10, 2022Annual SummitCarbon First: Rethinking System Architectures for Sustainable Video Streaming: Annual Summit Keynote
Oct 6, 2022Annual SummitA summary of Greening of Streaming's Year 1 Activities from our 2nd Annual Summit.
Oct 3, 2022Annual SummitUK Shadow Minister (Climate Change and Net Zero) Opens Greening of Streaming Annual Summit (+Ofcom)